RTS defense of the base

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The rts game revolves around defending a base after landing on Mars to discover that Mars is full of monsters that want to destroy the base. It contains 3 barracks, 6 types of soldiers, 6 types of residents, 6 types of monsters, two bedrooms, 4 food facilities, 2 stationary cannons, and There are two types of materials, material X and material Y, and each one of them used it in construction and recruiting soldiers and the system of creating the land, each storage differs from the other by the nature of the land and the available resources and attractive UI

apk for test : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vsTAlbLluBBYs52nN1ymaX2-NsKQ2y0f/view?usp=sharing


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work for Android and IOS and PC.


It contains 3 barracks, 6 types of soldiers, 6 types of residents, 6 types of monsters, two bedrooms, 4 food facilities, 2 stationary cannons.

There are two types of materials, material X and material Y, and each one of them used it in construction and recruiting soldiers.

possibility to play with 3 save slot And the system of creating the land, each storage differs from the other by the nature of the land and the available resources.



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In order to ask a question you need to log in or register as a user for free.

14 days Money back guarantee policy
Development Hours
Category Casual
Platforms Unity 2019, Unity 2020, Unity 2021
Frameworks Unity
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